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Va invit sa va relaxati,petreceti timpul placut cu cei 2 pisicuti de numai 15 zile ai mei si sa cititi de la descrierea de la acest video cele 5 beneficii ale pisici pentru sanatatea noastra si a copiilor nostri.Descrierea este in engleza si romana.
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A new surprise.
I invite you to relax, spend a pleasant time with my 2 kittens of only 15 days and read from the description in this video the 5 benefits of the cat for our health and that of our children. The description is in English and Romanian.
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BIGAGC ,My cats 3,5 health benefits that a cat brings,5 beneficii sanatate care le aduce pisica cat health benefits,kittens,cat,health,pet,cat torso,heart,healthier heart,stress,anxiety,calming,relaxation,heart attack,stroke,infection infection,lowering blood pressure,lowering muscle system,injuries tendons,joint injuries,Alzheimer’s,depression,HIV / AIDS Immune system,allergies,asthma,eczema,BIGAGC,sanatate,tors pisica,inima,stres,anxietate,calmare,relaxare,atac de cord,atac cerebral,infectii,presiune arteriala,Alzheimer,depresie,sistem imunitar,alergii,astm 5 health benefits that a cat brings you Source https://www.edumedical.ro/5-beneficii-pentru-sanatate-pe-care-vi-aduce-o-pisica/ The cat is not exactly the most altruistic pet. Known for her sharpness, for the individualism she displays in front of us, once she arrives in our home she becomes the true master of the house. Its softness, soothing torso calms us in an instant and brings us, according to specialists, multiple health benefits. The presence of a cat contributes to a healthier heart Experts believe that the presence of a cat reduces stress levels and alleviates anxiety in the house. Caressing a cat has a calming and relaxing effect. Studies show that a person who has a cat in the house for more than 10 years is 30% less likely to suffer a heart attack or stroke. The cat’s torso helps to cure infections The cat’s torso is not only soothing or, in some cases, a little noisy. Researchers believe that the vibrations emitted by a cat’s torso contribute to a person’s healing from an infection. Just listening to the cat’s torso helps lower blood pressure. The vibrations emitted by a cat help our joint system The vibrations emitted by a cat help to strengthen our muscular system and contribute to the healing of injuries in the area of joints and tendons. A cat lowers the risk of depression A person suffering from a certain condition will feel much better mentally if he has a cat around. A person with Alzheimer’s will have fewer anxiety reactions if he has a cat in the house, while a person with HIV / AIDS will be less exposed to the risk of depression. A cat strengthens children’s immune systems Children who are raised in a home where there is a cat have a stronger immune system, having a lower risk of allergies, asthma or eczema. 5 beneficii pentru sanatate pe care vi le aduce o pisica Sursa https://www.edumedical.ro/5-beneficii-pentru-sanatate-pe-care-vi-le-aduce-o-pisica/ Pisica nu este tocmai cel mai altruist animal de companie. Cunoscuta pentru agerimea ei, pentru individualismul pe care il afiseaza in fata noastra, odata ajunsa in locuinta noastra devine adevaratul stapan al casei. Blandetea ei, torsul linistitor insa ne linisteste intr-o clipa si ne aduce, conform specialistilor, multiple beneficii pentru sanatate. Prezenta unei pisici contribuie la o inima mai sanatoasa Specialistii considera ca prezenta unei pisici reduce nivelul stresului si domoleste starea de anxietate din casa. Mangaiatul unei pisici are un efect de calmare si de relaxare. Studiile arata ca o persoana care are o pisica in casa de mai bine de 10 ani este cu 30% mai putin predispusa sa sufere un atac de cord sau un atac cerebral. Torsul pisicii contribuie la vindecarea infectiilor Torsul pisicii nu este doar linistitor sau, in unele cazuri, putin zgomotos. Cercetatorii considera ca vibratiile emise de torsul unei pisici contribuie la vindecarea unei persoane in urma unei infectii. Doar ascultarea torsului pisicii contribuie la scaderea presiunii arteriale. Vibratiile emise de o pisica ne ajuta sistemul articular Vibratiile emise de o pisica ne ajuta sa ne intarim sistemul muscular si contribuie la vindecarea leziunilor in zona articulatiilor si a tendoanelor. O pisica scade riscul de depresie O persoana care sufera de o anumita afectiune se va simti psihic mult mai bine daca are in preajma o pisica. O persoana cu Alzheimer va avea mai putine reactii de anxietate daca are in casa o pisica, in timp ce un bolnav cu HIV/SIDA va fi mai putin expus riscului de a suferi de depresie. O pisica intareste sistemul imunitar al copiilor Copiii care sunt crescuti intr-o casa in care exista o pisica au un sistem imunitar mai puternic, avand un risc mai scazut de a suferi alergii, astm sau eczema.