Laws of success, no.6,51-60

Laws of success, no.6,51-60 51) Always appreciate everything that needs to be appreciated. 52) Compliment everything that needs to be complimented. 53) Always support positive actions. 54) Always supports constructive actions. 55) Always smile when it is possible to smile. 56) Act to become perfect in all actions in which Read more…

Laws of Success no.5, 41-50

  Laws of Success no.5, 41-50 41) Always be responsible. 42) Self-training to be more and more resistant. 43) Practice being more and more resilient. 44) Experience drives you. 45) Experience makes you more resilient. 46) Experience makes you more confident in yourself, your strengths. 47) Be sensitive. 48) Be Read more…

Laws of success no. 4, 31 -40

  Legile succeselor nr.4 ,31 -40 31) Fii loial intotdeauna. 32) Fii marinimos cind este necesar . 33) Eficentizezati continuu fiecare actiune,activitate. 34) Fii ordonat in tot ceea ce faci. 35)Fii ospitalier. 36) Fii prudent . 37) Fii perseverent in realizarea obiectivelor. 38) Fii puctual intotdeauna. 39) Fii cu rabdare Read more…

Laws of success no.1, 1-10

  Laws of success no.1 1) The more laws you follow, the more success you will have. 2) The more laws of success you follow, the more successful you will be. 3) Always think positive 4) In conversation, listen to your partner with sincere attention. 5) Keep self-control in everything Read more…